Shenkang Nodrug Medicine

Dr. wang
The lethal harm of DDS

In the last hundred years of study of physiotherapy equipment, there has been no equipment designed to work on the body’s bioelectricity due to the paucity of systematic research of BECS. Existing electrotherapeutic equipment stimulates the tissue in order to improve blood circulation to relieve symptoms. The existing electrotherapy equipment can be divided into three categories. 

1) Devices that convert electricity into energy output to stimulate the human body. 

2) Devices that deliver different frequencies to stimulate the human body

3) Devices that convert electricity power into the environmental magnetic field to affect the body’s magnetic properties. 

Howeverthe lacking of consideration on the characteristic of BECS, many devices can produce side effect on BECS, in a way that all those device is introducing electricity, magneitic, heat, ligts and/or mix to stimulate human body, The stimulations can interfer the frenquencys, waves and strenth of body bioelectricity to cause more diseases and even death.  

DDS harm the bioelectricity of  both the technican and paitents and there are many death cases reports in China.